Top 3 Django Gotchas to Catch during Code Review

At DjangoCon US 2018 in San Diego, I’ll be speaking about Code Review Skills for Pythonistas.

During the talk, I’ll be deep diving into best practices for all Python projects, but I’d like to highlight the top three gotchas to look out for while code reviewing Django applications. By catching these problems early, you’ll save yourself from massive future headaches.

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Code Review Skills for Pythonistas - EuroPython 2018 - Edinburgh

This talk was given at EuroPython 2018 in Edinburgh. As teams and projects grow, code review becomes increasingly important to support the maintainability of complex codebases. In this talk, I’ll cover guidelines for writing consistent python code beyond pep8, how to look out for common python gotchas, and what python tools are available to automate various parts of the review process. Most importantly, I’ll cover the human aspect of code reviews - how we can be better at approaching reviews with empathy and understanding from the perspective of both a reviewer and a submitter. [Read More]